Chess Thursday!

As always, since time immemorial (or since last December, more accurately) there will be chess this Thursday 630 – 1015 pm at the Second Cup 265 Wincott Drive Etobicoke.

Pics from last week, and random pics mixed in (because we took like 4 pics last week):

Fun times last week at the ECC!

Despite the torrential downpour last Thursday, we still had a good 16-18 total people attend chess club and there were some hotly contested games. I had Matthew Farahat take over hosting for a short while, so I played Gabe, Matthew F, Sadhat, Rain, and then Gabe again. 5 games! That’s a lot for me. Then my two co directors and I went to Arizona’s, and had a bunch of nine-ball games. The amount of sheer luck I witness over the billiards table gave me new appreciation for chess. Anyway pics are above, we didn’t take many because whatever, every now and then we like to have a day off from obsessing about the club. Healthy, don’t you think? Hehehe, have a good weekend everyone.