Great chess sesh yesterday

Met some new faces, had a LOT of ladder play, couple of new beginners turned up, and we had a lot of fun 🙂 For the second time in a row, a barista sat down to learn chess with us. Pics below.


In the earlier days of the Etobicoke Chess Club, when there weren’t 15-20 people showing up at our events, we’d have BugHouse games. Going over these videos, I realized how much fun it was, and will probably be reviving the ECC BugHouse movement this Thursday.

Google “Bughouse” for rules. Or don’t, whatever.

Afternoon puzzle

I can’t remember the last time I was confronted with a 5 move checkmate puzzle, but it looks like I did alright on this one, didn’t account for every possible move because there are multiple ways this could have gone but didn’t make any mistakes either.

Take a crack at it in parts. The solution is below (in white font, just highlight and you’ll find it), and you can highlight juuust enough to see white’s counter move, before seeing black’s next best move. PM me via contact if you have any questions, and leave comments!

Today's tactic

…Qxc4+|Nc3 Rxd2+|Kb1 Qf1+|Nd1 Qxd1+|Qc1 Nc3#

2 AM Tactics

I’m waiting for the video from tonight to finish uploading, it was gloriously edited. Judge not lest ye be judged. This one’s from Black to move and whatever. Check. Hint: After your king makes the only move it can make, the white queen moves to h5. Check.



Tactics in bed

I know, Thomas, we discussed this and mutually concluded it wasn’t the best idea for me to do chess puzzles if i were trying to fall asleep but i simply couldn’t help myself and i found two good ones. Two! Players, get at me via the Contact section if you need help with them, or if you just wanna confirm the answer. Happy hunting! 1) white to move 2) Black to move


There ain’t no party like a chess club partaaaay!


Mortal enemies reconvene to do battle at the chess board on Thursday. Come join us! it’s free, beginners can learn, competitors can play on our optional ranking ladder. For everyone in between, I tend to walk around and match people up on request. We also have lots and lots of tactics puzzles.

Thursday 630-10 pm @ Second Cup, 265 Wincott Drive, Etobicoke. Bring boards and clocks if you have them, otherwise just show up.


When time really does make all the difference

The PRO chess league (Professional Rapid Online chess league) is comprised of professional chess players from cities around the world. One of Etobicoke Chess Club’s regulars played for the Toronto Dragons at some point.

Here’s a video of what happens in chess at the highest levels when you have a two second bonus, and a total of 8 seconds to play. Even if you can’t understand it in full (I definitely couldn’t) just watch the game unfold and appreciate 1) how tight the position is and 2) How much the commentators’ faces change as players move: